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                ABOUT US

                Ruifeng food is mainly engaged in processing, manufacturing and selling of fruits and vegetables products

                Found in 2004, Gaomi Ruifeng Foods Co., Ltd is a Sino-American joint venture, specializing in frozen fruits and vegetables. Our registered capital is 2.3 million US dollars and the total fixed assets add up to 80 million yuan. The workshop covers an area of 8000 square meters, including a 5000-square meter cold store, a 300-square meter quick-freezer as well as a 200-square meter laboratory. Meanwhile, the workshop is equipped with an imported Gas Chromatograph for detection. There are 3 quick-freezer production lines so that the production capacity of our company is up to 200 tons daily and 20,000 tons annually.。

                • Why choose us?
                • Gaomi Ruifeng Food Co., Ltd. was established in 2004 to export frozen fruits and vegetables as the main Sino US joint ventures, with a registered capital of 2 million 300 thousand U. s.dollars, with 80 million yuan of fixed assets, factory floor area...

                • Our brand and product honor
                • Now the company has passed HACCP certification, American FDA registration, KOSHER certification, BRC certification and so on. Company chairman and general manager Liu Xueming to "pragmatic and development, integrity casting brilliant" as the business philosophy...

                • Our brand and product advantages
                • The main production and operation of products are: spinach, strawberry, green beans, green peppers, carrots, sweet corn, Huang Tao and mixed vegetables and other more than 20 varieties, products are mainly exported to Europe, America, Southeast asia...



                • Frozen chopped spinach Frozen chopped spinach
                • Frozen spinach pill Frozen spinach pill
                • Frozen strawberry Frozen strawberry
                • Frozen peas. Frozen peas.
                • Frozen red Ding Frozen red Ding
                • Frozen red chilli Frozen red chilli
                • Frozen carrots Frozen carrots
                • Frozen peas Frozen peas
                • Frozen green pepper Ding Frozen green pepper Ding
                • Frozen green pepper silk Frozen green pepper silk



                电话(tel):86-0536-2591488          传真(fax):86-0536-2310736
                联系人(atten):宿经理                     邮箱(email):ruifengsu888@163.com
                地址(add):Shandong province Gaomi City Kan Jia Zhen West Ge Zhuang Cun

                • Mobile website
                • WeChat